Did you just receive news from your dentist that something has to be done to save your dental health? Do not panic, there are a lot of options for you depending on the specific problem. To get you started, you have to know the difference between inlay and onlay. From there, you can weigh on what suits you. There are other options as well, and you will have them discussed here. 

Difference Between Inlay and Onlay
Difference Between Inlay and Onlay

Difference Between Inlay and Onlay

If you are in a dilemma trying to choose the best option for your dental problem, this is the post for you. It will define and detail the various options on your table for when you get your dental cleaning. It will also compare and contrast them. In the end, you will make the right decision for your dental health. 

The Various Options at a Glance

  • Inlay

It is typically used for larger cavities. The inlay is a single solid unit that is shaped to specifically fit into a defined cavity. Once fitted, it is then cemented to stay in place. 

  • Onlay

An onlay covers a relatively larger area than an inlay. One of its distinctive characteristics is that it is made to cover the cusp of tooth rather than fitting into a cavity.

  • Filling

Filling is the simplest procedure of them all. It involves the drilling of the decayed portion. The void is then filled up with amalgam or composite. 

  • Crown

This is a more serious restoration and more expensive than the rest. Once the decaying section is removed, a cap is designed to cover the entire surface of the tooth. 

What Do You Choose?

Each of the options is best suited for a certain dental problem. However, some of them overlap and you will have to decide what is going to work for your case. Here below are comparisons that would help point you in the right direction;

  • Onlay vs Dental Crown

Both of them are extensive restoration procedures that will replace a big space after removing a decaying portion. They are more advanced that inlays and fillings. Between the two, crown is used when a larger structure of the tooth is removed. Onlay, on the other hand, fits in between cusps. In fact, a crown covers the entire exposed surface of the tooth and differs greatly from a dental implant or bridge

  • Inlay vs Dental Filling

There are those who use these terms interchangeably. While both are similar in a number of ways, there are differences between inlays and fillings. On similarities, there is the drilling out of the decaying area. But the difference comes in when it is time to fill the created space. 

Inlays use a single solid to cover the cusp of the teeth. The solid is shaped from either ceramic or gold. On the flip side, filling uses a composite or amalgam to fill the space. It is a straightforward procedure that can be done in a single session. Although both of these procedures may require you to go under some sort of dental sedation

Bottom Line 

Do you now know the difference between inlay and onlay? You sure do, and not only that; you can also decide on which one fits into your needs. With the help of your dentist and this post, your dental health will never be a matter of guesswork. This is a major reason why dental cleanings are necessary so that your dentist can identify these issues before they become worse to the point where you’d need a dental implant.

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